Thursday, June 7, 2012

Chapter 4 - Headwork

The Emic

When stepping in, I can only begin by defining who I am in reference to education and my beliefs in the system.  I have stated numerous times that I believe we can NEVER learn too much, nor become too educated.  So, when it comes to my classroom, its students, the material or curriculum, and other affiliations within it, I can only say that I strive to have a seperate and complete learning institution within the learning institution.  I was a child who refused to learn.  Who found loopholes, created distractions, and avoided seriousness while in High School, and it is because of the hard lessons that I have had to learn (and endure) that have shifted my focus to primarily teachin ALL students the importance of learning and retaining information for the benefit of self accomplishment.  I am excited to see when a student "gets it."  When they get that look on their face that proclaims "I have figured it out."  From experience, I know that when I fall upon a moment such as that, I never forget it.  That is the satisfaction of knowing that the specific learning task was retained for that individual.  He/She wasnt doing the motions, they were learning, and retaining.

The Etic

When stepping out, I see a corrupt, political, misguided system that is NOT working.  I am not going to utilize this topic as a chance to "bash" the system, but only point out that when a teacher is put under the gun to cover so much material in a singular circumstance, that alot of information is hurried through when, at times, there is information that more time should be spent teaching.  This would be done in order to allow a student to retain information.  I read somewhere that when studying before a test, a person is MOSTLY storing the information in their short term memory (much like I did before an Algebra test).  Once the test is completed, the information is rmoved, and most of it is forgotten.  It is here that I wish to intervene into the system, and start focusing on Learning via creation, literacy, adhering to principles, and repetition of those principles rather than ONLY focus on curriculum to get you through a test, and then most is tossed.  I would LOVE to talk to the State board of Educators and our Govorner, Nathan Deal about how the system is beoing overlooked, misguided, and abused.  Also I would discuss how education is the foundation to everything.  money, jobs, lifestyle, the works!

Looking At The Evidence

What surprises me?  The statistical data that I am finding in regards to retained information, but with this generation...nothing is surprising  :0)

What intrigues me?  The idea of potentially creating an actual solution that may work and serve as a milestone for helping the IT generation stay off google and resort to the art catalogue in ther BRAINS!

What disturbs me?  The lack of excitement for today's youth to learn about and create physical bodies of work.  It REALLY disturbs me.

I think there will be many steppingstones and humps to overcome.  Firstly, I am still struggling a bit to actually zero in on the "Big Question."  I want to cover various things, vs. covering 1 individual subject. I feel like there could be humps with getting to the core of the students' indivual learning characteristics.  I am worried that my data may only hold true to a specific style of learner.  Maybe that in itself is a more revising effort coming out.  


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