Saturday, June 9, 2012

Week 12 - Reading & Reflecting

The two articles offer persuasive points on art and learning.  I feel as though both articles offer a positive insight on development, and focus on the importance of art across all curriculum.  Winner and Hetland make great points in that art is literacy, to say the least and that problem solving skills are developed if the ideologies are put into place and practiced.  I am set in the belief that art making and art learning cannot be  judged specifically on test scores, as there is no way to put a boundary on creativity.  In a contradicting sense, I also believe that "thinking outside the box" (the box being boundaries, of course) can also aid n the learning of processes.  Therefore, the two articles, although methodologically different, can also prove to be effective.

The two articles argue that one method is more effective than the other.  I agree that they are different, but they both have valid points.  Their basic conclusion seems to draw the most effective result, that "art" has a place in the learning process, the processes used for problem solving, and the positive growth of students taking it.  


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