Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Ragster Is Up & Running!

Hello all!  Man, it is safe to say that I have had a time getting up and running between the change of schedule, high-school starting back, the amazing wrong book shipment crisis, the SkillsUSA Leadership Conference in St. Simon's Island, my son's ear awesome double-ear infection while mommy's on business in Phoenix, 5 bluegrass festivals (in which I have had to play), and the icing on the cake, Jury Duty.

All is well, and I am excited about catching up with the blogs and getting on track!  I look forward to working with you all, and most importantly learning together and sharing ideas.  Please feel free to friend me or comment on any of my upcoming blogs.  I plan on being a very active cat on the VTS scene!  See you in cyberspace!

The Ragster


Sheryl Lamme said...

Welcome! Whew, you have been a busy man indeed! I would have felt a little more compassion had you not mentioned your exotic conference location, and the five festivals. ;-)

Here's hoping things chill a bit. Glad to have you as a blog-mate.

MJFranco said...

As if everything else weren't enough, JURY DUTY??? I am amazed you are still standing!!! My past two weeks have been grueling(fortunately no jury duty; I would have needed a jury myself had that happened!) so I apologize for being the MIA instructor! I will do better!!! Welcome!

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